XOutof10 Will Make Your Android Phone Have iPhone X’s Style Notch

A developer, Damian Piwowarski, recently created a one-of-a-kind app called XOutof10 for Android users. What this app does is that it allows your Android smartphone to get a black space around the top of the phone’s screen which accurately mimic’s Apple’s newly launched iPhone X’s sensor-packed notch.

The clever developer is a user of GitHub by the name ideas who released this app for the pure joy of letting the Android users experience the iPhone X’s distinctive camera cutout in their Android handset without even paying $999. The developer wrote on GitHub, “ You, the average Android user, probably had a laugh on Apple users about the new camera bump that covers the screen’s content. Well, you won’t pay $999 just to test it. And now, you don’t need to!”

If you have an Android smartphone and want to try this iPhone-like notch for yourself, the developer has made the app easily downloadable on GitHub in an apk format. You can find the app in the Play Store as well.

The app, although, is available only for Android Marshmallow and higher operating systems but in case you have a lower version of the Android installed, then the ‘bump” won’t get displayed when you pull down the status bar.

An added benefit of downloading this app is that it’ll give you a good idea of what the iPhone X display will feel like since the official launch date of this iPhone is quite far.

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4 days ago

The developer of this fun app, Damian Piwowarski, blended technology with a sense of humor. If you are an Android user then you can even use this app to tease your friends who are obsessed with Apple. You can get this app easily at GitHub.

The app the will provide the Android users the look that that Apple’s anniversary special edition device features. For those who love the iPhone X’s display, just download the app and you are good to go.