Xiaomi has some goods news coming up for its fans in India. The company has just announced latest version of its Android-based custom OS, the MIUI 10 and not MIUI X as it was earlier rumoured to be. No other detail of the new operating system has been revealed by the company but it is rumoured to be centered on Artificial Intelligence.
According to a report by Gizchina, the latest OS version was announced by company’s Co-Founder and senior Vice President Hong Feng.
Xiaomi started rolling out the MIUI 9.2 update for select Xiaomi devices recently including Redmi Note 5A, Redmi Note 5A Prime, Redmi Y1, Redmi Y1 Lite, Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Redmi 5, Redmi 5 Plus, Redmi 4 Prime, Mi 3, Mi 4 and Mi Note.
The company also announced the MIUI 9 update for 40 devices which shows the level of dedications amongst the developers who worked hard to bring the update to older devices.
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17 days agoThe MIUI 9 update brings retooled notification pane, new image editior, 2x faster app load times, new Mi video app, split screen and a lot more. The company has ended further developments in the OS indicating announcement of a new version.
Do let us know what changes you would like to see in the new update and what you think of AI being added to the OS in the comments section below.