Xiaomi is expected to launch its upcoming flagship smartphone, the Mi 7 at MWC next month. The firm is also expected to introduce the successor of its bezel-less Mi Mix 2, the Mi Mix 2S during the event. A few days back, a popular tipster suggested that the company is soon to launch the affordable Redmi 5 smartphone globally. And now, another report suggests that the Chinese smartphone manufacturer is expected to launch a successor to Mi Max 2 phablet, the Mi Max 3 too.
A report by GizmoChina claims that the Mi Max 3 has been leaked in a photo that showcases the rear panel of the device which is almost similar to that of the Mi Max 2. The only difference between both the devices is that the Mi Max 3 features a dual rear camera setup that is located at the top left corner of the phone. The fingerprint sensor is seen placed on the rear which suggests that the phone will come with a full-screen design.
Xiaomi Mi Max 3 Specifications
The report also suggests some key specifications of the phone. The Mi Max 3 is expected come with a 6.99-inch FHD+ display with a screen resolution of 2160 x 1080 and a pixel density of 18:9. It is expected to be powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 SoC. The phone will come running on MIUI 9 out of the box considering the fact that Xiaomi is releasing MIUI 9 fo 40 of its existing smartphones. There will be two memory variants of the device – 3GB/64GB and 4GB/128GB priced at around 1,500 Yuan (roughly Rs 15,000) and 1,600 Yuan (roughly Rs 16,000). The device will draw its juice from a 5,500mAh non-removable battery that will come with Quick Charge 3.0 fast charging support.
See Also:
Xiaomi To Introduce Mi MIX 2S Flagship Phone At MWC 2018
22 days agoThe two camera sensors visible on the rear consist of two 12MP sensors while there is going to be a 5MP camera sensor on the front. We cannot expect the device very soon but it may make its way to the market in mid-2018.