Xiaomi’s Global Spokesperson Donovan Sung yesterday confirmed that it will be launching its budget offering, Redmi 5 and Redmi 5 Plus on December 7. And now, it has confirmed that its flagship smartphone, Mi 7 will be powered by Qualcomm’s next year’s flagship Snapdragon 845. Both the next flagships will be launching next year. It is worth mentioning that the Chinese smartphone manufacturer has been Qualcomm’s partner by launching Snapdragon S3-powered Mi 1 back in 2011.
Qualcomm announced its next flagship processor officially during keynote speech of its technology yesterday. The company has not yet shared the detailed specifications about the new chip. It was also cleared that the Xiaomi’s 2018 flagship smartphone will be powered by it.
All that we know about the chipset is that it will be manufactured by Samsung, similar to the existing Snapdragon 835 SoC. Qualcomm may decide to stick to the 10nm process mode for its next processor as well. The company had earlier that its next-generation mobile processor will also be powered by company’s latest X20 modem capable of achieving a download speed of 1.2Gbps. The Snapdragon 845 SoC will be clocked at an operating frequency of 2.5GHz and will come with the Adreno 630.
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Xiaomi Redmi 5, Redmi 5 Plus Launch Expected On December 7
24 days agoXiaomi Mi 7 Specifications
However, there have been several leaks in the past suggesting specifications of the much-anticipated smartphone, Xiaomi Mi 7. The phone will be powered by the Snapdragon 845. The display will be 6-inch tall which will be made by Samsung. It is also speculated to offer 6GB and 8GB RAM variant. Mi 7 will is expected to be unveiled during the Mobile World Congress.