Although, there is no official announcement regarding the release of the smartphone Mi 6X, still within two months twice the renders of the handset has emerged online. Last month, an image of the TPU case allegedly of Xiaomi Mi 6X turned everyone’s eyes towards itself with the buzz in the rumor mill that Xiaomi will be rolling out the successor of Mi 5X, which was launched in July, last year. The toned down variant of Xiaomi’s flagship device of 2016, Mi 5, the handset Mi 5X was received positively. Now, with the latest renders that have surfaced online, it has become clear that the speculation of the device Xiaomi Mi 6X getting unraveled by the Chinese company in mid-2018 may turn true.
The latest leaked image reveals the rear panel of the Xiaomi Mi 6X, as per the Weibo post highlighted by the Slashleaks. It turns out that the device will be carrying a vertically aligned dual rear camera setup with an LED flash sandwiched between the two lenses having a striking resemblance to iPhone X. Strikingly, in the earlier renders that was leaked last month also showcased the dual rear camera feature of the smartphone.
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Xiaomi Mi 7 Fresh Renders Leaked With Dual Rear Camera Setup
1 days agoInterestingly, there is a small hole at the center of the rear side of the phone, but as of now, its purpose is unclear. In comparison to the Xiaomi Mi 6X, the smartphone Mi 5X had a horizontal rear camera setup, but both the handsets will be carrying the same antenna line design as well as the curved sides with a metal rear panel. It is rumored that the smartphone will be carrying a larger display with a full-screen design with an aspect ratio of 18:9. Nothing is known about its processor, but it is believed that the device will be supported by a more powerful battery. Wait for the unveiling of the handset, only then one can know how far these rumors turn to be true.