BBK-owned Vivo confirmed that it will be launching Vivo V7 In India on November 20 at an event in New Delhi. The Vivo V7 is a twin sibling of the Vivo V7+ which was launched earlier in the month of September at a price of Rs 21,990. The only difference between the two devices is the screen size which has been reduced to 5.7-inch in V7 from 5.99 in V7+. The invite suggests that the will feature a bezel-less of FullView display with an aspect ratio of 18:9. The invite reads, “Come experience the power of seven.”.
The phone will be made available on Flipkart, which has put out a teaser for Vivo V7. The phone will be unveiled at 1 pm on November 20 and special pre-book offers include exchange offers, no cost EMI, one-time free screen replacement, cashback on all HDFC credit and debit cards, guaranteed buyback value and couple movie vouchers from BookMyShow.
As far as pricing is concerned, the Vivo V7 has already been launched in Indonesia and has been priced at IDR 3,799,000 (roughly Rs 18,300). This suggests that the phone will be priced around the same price in India also.
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5 days agoVivo V7 Specifications
The Vivo V7 features a 5.7-inch HD+ IPS display with an aspect ratio of 18:9. It is expected to be powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 450 processor that powers the Vivo V7+. The device offers 4GB RAM and 32GB of internal storage that can be expanded further up to 256GB with the help of a MicroSD card. The phone runs on Android 7.1 Nougat atop FuntouchOS 3.2 and comes in two colour variants – Gold and Matte Black.
In terms of optics, the phone sports a 24MP camera sensor on the front with an aperture of f2.0 with Moonlight Glow selfie flash. There is also a 16MP camera sensor on the rear that also comes with an aperture of f2.0 and a flash. It is powered by a 3,000mAh battery which is slightly smaller than Vivo V7+’s 3,225mAh.