With a humungous number of Samsung Galaxy Note 8 pre-registrations, the picture looks pretty sad for Apple. According to reports, about 1.5 lakh people registered on Amazon for alerts and 72000 are willing to purchase the Note 8 on its launch date. Samsung has its head in the game.
12th September will indeed be a big day for both mobile manufacturing giants “Samsung” and “Apple”. Apple is going to launch its flagship smartphone and despite knowing this, the Korean manufacturer is confident enough to make a product launch on the same day. Due to Samsung’s strong market position in the Indian mobile market, it is taking this whopping step to launch its phone on the same day and hence give tough competition to Apple.
Samsung is all set to introduce Note 8 tomorrow in India and has already sent the media invites for the event that is going to be held in Delhi at 12:30 PM. This launch event will be live streamed on Samsung’s official website. There is no official confirmation when this device will be available for sale but 25th September is the expected date.
Following several rumors and news, the excitement and hype among tech lovers is worth noting. Less than a day is left for the launch of the most-awaited flagship devices iPhone 8 and Galaxy Note 8.
Both these smartphones are launching tomorrow and will compete in terms of pricing and features. Apple’s flagship will come featured with a 5.8-inch edge-to-edge OLED display. The key feature will be the pressure-detection technology with 3D touch. It is speculated that the 3D touch might replace the home screen button and the fingerprint reader. It is also expected that it will come with facial recognition with a 3D scanner. The phone will have iOS 11, which will have tons of new features to make it better in terms of functionality as compared to Android smartphones. There is no official information about the camera as of now but it is rumored to have a 12MP dual-lens camera with various features.
On the other side, Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will hold a 6.3-inch “infinity-display” with minimum bezels on the sides, which is super AMOLED with 1440X2960 pixels’ resolution. The phone will have an Octa-core Snapdragon 835 processor with 6GB RAM and will be available in 64GB, 128GB and 256GB variants. This device also has an option of additional memory expansion through a micro SD card. In terms of software, Note 8 will have Android 7.1.1 Nougat and an upgrade to Android Oreo 8.0 will be available in the near future. In terms of camera, it boasts an 8MP front camera and dual rear cameras of 12MP with mind-boggling latest generation features.
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14 days agoBarclays’ analyst, Mark Moskowitz has predicted that Apple might lose market share in the premium smartphone segment with the launch of Samsung’s Galaxy Note 8. But it is just a prediction and things can be different when the phone’s hit the shelves. Let’s see which of these smartphones will get more appreciation and market share in premium smartphone market.
However, Apple users will buy Apple and Android users will buy Samsung. Its generally like this. But with Samsung’s epic fail last year and Apple’s monotonous repetitive design, we just say anything beforehand.
Such competition much excitement!!