The OnePlus fans around the world were not done admiring the OnePlus 5 yet, where the phone was launched in a new variant – Soft Gold. And now, giving in another treat for the people who were still eyeing to buy the latest flagship, the manufacturer has now launched the OnePlus 5 slate gray with advanced specifications i.e. 8GB RAM and 128GB storage.
Other than the color, everything remains same as that of the midnight black color variant. Like, it features a 5.5-inch Optic AMOLED HD display too, runs on an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset. To recall, the OnePlus 5 is equipped with a dual 20MP + 16MP camera setup at the back while a 16MP front-selfie camera. The rear 20MP camera is a telephoto Sony IMX350 lens of f/2.6 aperture where the 16MP camera is a Sony IMX398 lens of f/1.7 aperture. This device is powered by a 3300mAh battery and supports Dash charging and so does this new colour option.
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22 days agoSo, all those who were feeling for the slate gray color being discriminated in terms of specs, can go, buy this flagship smartphone in your favorite colour from Amazon or the OnePlus stores near you. OnePlus zones situated in Bangalore and Delhi are having this variant in stock. You can let us know what you think of the new slate gray color variant coming with the most advanced specs that OnePlus 5 offers, in the comments.