LG is reportedly launching its Q6+ smartphone in India very soon. It belongs to the Q6 family of smartphones which were introduced earlier in July this year. Unwrapped alongside the LG Q6 and LG Q6a, the LG Q6+ boasts the 5.5-inch FullVision screen with 18:9 aspect ratio, as seen in its other two cousins. Among the trio, the LG Q6 has been already launched at the start of this month. Identical to the Q6, the LG Q6+ is likely to be launched in India soon via offline stores as per the tweet from a renowned mobile retailer, Mahesh Telecom in Mumbai.
Both the smartphones – LG Q6 and LG Q6+ – are similar to each other in most of the aspects; however, the biggest distinguisher between the two RAM and storage variants. On one hand, the smartphone gets 4GB RAM and 64GB of inbuilt storage while on the other, the LG Q6 is equipped with 3GB RAM and 32GB of internal memory. Rest all the features of LG Q6+ remain exactly the same as that of the LG Q6 except for an additional new shade – Marine Blue. As LG has offered its Q6 smartphone with a dual-SIM option, we expect the upcoming LG Q6+ to also bear the similar setup.
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24 days agoWith respect to the LG Q6+ specifications, it will run on the Android 7.1.1 Nougat out-of-the-box platform and, as discussed earlier, will get the 5.5-inch FullVision HD (1080×2160 pixels) with 18:9 aspect ratio. Powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 435 SoC, the LG Q6+ gets 4GB of RAM. It gets the front and rear camera as well. The rear one is a 13-megapixel camera while the front one is a 5-megapixel camera.
The 64GB internal memory of the device is expandable via microSD card (up to 2TB). The upcoming LG smartphone will be bearing plenty of connectivity options including 4G VoLTE, Bluetooth v4.2, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, NFC, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. The LG Q6+ gets a powerful battery backup of 3000mAh capacity. It is equipped with sensors including an ambient light sensor, accelerometer, proximity sensor and gyroscope.