Bookings of the much-awaited Lenovo K8 Note, which was launched in India last week, have commenced for the first time from Friday, exclusively on Amazon from 12 pm today. The phone is available in two colour, Fine Gold and Venom Black at a starting price of Rs 12,999.
The K8 Note is a device from Lenovo which runs on Android 7.1.1 Nougat out-of-the-box after the company decided to abandon Vibe Pure UI and switch to the stock Android experience.
Lenovo K8 Note Price
The Lenovo K8 Note is available in two RAM/storage variants which include a 3GB RAM/32GB storage version and a 4GB RAM/64GB storage trim. The lower-spec phone is priced at Rs 12,999 while the higher variant will be yours for Rs 13,999. Both devices are available exclusively from, company’s online partner. There are several offers associated with purchasing the phone that can be selected at the time of booking the phone.
Lenovo K8 Note Specifications
The device features a 5.5-inch full-HD display with 1080×1920 pixels protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3. The device is powered by MediaTek Helio X23 Deca-core 2.4GHz processor with 3GB and 4GB RAM. Considering these specs, the Lenovo K8 Note would impress as far as performance is concerned.
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5 days agoThe Lenovo K8 Note sports dual 13MP + 5MP camera sensor on the rear and a 13MP camera sensor up front. The phone is splash resistant and supports a fast charging feature as well. Along with fast charging the K8 Note is backed by a massive 4,000mAh battery which is claimed to deliver 25 hours of talk time and 378 hours of standby time.
The main highlight of the phone is the stock Android experience. With Lenovo K8 Note, Lenovo will compete with Nokia 5, Huawei Honor 6X and Redmi Note 4, which is the best-selling phone of the segment with 5 million units sold in just six months of its launch.