Recently the Apple has unveiled its tenth-anniversary edition smartphone iPhone X. The iPhone X 64GB is launched with a price tag of $999 in the US and INR 89,000 in India. According to the reports of the Chinese website, insider research and calculate the estimated amount of iPhone X manufacturing. For customers, the device is priced at INR 89,000, while its manufacturing and assembling cost is quite low. The manufacturing price of the iPhone X is only 60% of the market price.
Talking about its component pricing, the most expensive component of the smartphone is 5.8-inch OLED Samsung display. The cost of Samsung’s OLED display is $80 and it is the most expensive component in iPhone X. While the other component costs NAND memory 256GB by Toshiba cost $45, and the 3GB RAM costs $24. The latest A11 Bionic chipset cost $26, and Qualcomm modem costs $18. According to some research, the iPhone X 3D sensor cost $25 and its glass over screen costs $18. So, due to Samsung Apple have to enhance the price of iPhone 10 a bit higher.
Three years back, Tim Cook criticizes the OLED screens by commenting about its colour saturation and brightness quality. But the now the things have gone changed, Apple has accepted the truth that the OLED screen is better than they are currently using display. So they have fitted their flagship model iPhone X with the OLED display. The most interesting part is the brand has used it even knowing that it will increase the market price of the phone. The OLED display is the most costly part fitted in the iPhone X.
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iPhone X Supply To Remain Limited This Year, Reports KGI
5 days agoAs in the market, the only supplier of an OLED display is Samsung and Apple is purchasing it from them only. There are some rumors like Apple is struggling to develop iPhone X due to the shortage of components.
Apple is taken this step to match the picture quality level of the Android smartphone. With the OLED display, the device offers the resolution of (2,436 X 1,125) with 458 pixels per inch. While the iPhone 8 offers 1,920 X 1,080 resolution and 401 of pixels per inch.
The iPhone X is a huge gift for the Apple lovers as this device is way forward to other iPhones in terms of features and quality. From our point of view, the smartphone is the best decision to opt if you are an Apple lover and if there nothing likes brand specific then Android is still far ahead in terms of technology and features.