We recently saw a four camera smartphone, Honor 9i launched by Huawei in India. The phone comes with two cameras on the rear and two cameras on the front. And now, Gionee is also joining the club as according to a report the Gionee S11 which is expected to launch in India in January next month will come with four cameras. The phone was launched in China recently along with a few other smartphones.
According to Techook.com, a report suggests that Gionee might launch the Gionee S11 in India by the end of January 2018. However the exact date of launch of the phone is still unknown. The phones is expected priced at around Rs 20,000.
Gionee S11 Specifications
The Gionee S11 features a 5.99-inch FHD+ display with a screen resolution of 2160 x 1080 pixels and an aspect ratio of 18:9. It is powered by MediaTek Helio P23 processor along with 4Gb of RAM. The device offers an internal storage of 64GB that can further be expanded with the help of a microSD card up to 128GB.
The phone comes under in metal-glass body that features 3D curved edged glass on all sides. The biggest highlight of the phone is that it houses for cameras – two on the rear and two on the front. There is a 16MP and an 8MP camera sensor on the front while a 16MP and a 5MP camera sensor on the rear.
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25 days agoOut of the box, the device runs on Android Nougat with Amigo OS 5.0 on top. The phone drives its juice from a 3,410mAh battery provides decent endurance but does not come with fast charging support.