Every year Google comes up with the latest update for Android, Android Oreo. The Oreo is available for selected devices including Google’s pixel and Nexus smartphones. The update was officially announced on August 21 during an event held in the US. We might have to wait for few more months for the update to be available on the latest high-end phones like Moto, LG, Samsung etc.
Looking at the features, Oreo gives more efficiency and faster performance to the devices.The update is expected to double the boot speed and it minimizes the battery usage, unlike the previous version.
Another interesting feature of the update is the Picture-in-picture mode. The PIP mode allows the user to continue doing other tasks and simultaneously watch a video. Users can also Play /Pause a video on the small screen.
The notifications shades have been changed and the new colour shade looks classy. It is now easier to control the notifications when you pull down the panel.
There are notification dots added that appears on any app with unread notification. You can now snooze a notification to view later and hence it ensures that you do not miss out any important update.
Google has also added the Autofill option to Oreo which stores previously filled information and it pops up every time you log in to fill any new service. Hence, now you do not have to remember each and every password or email id.
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5 days agoAnother feature added is the smart text suggestion.This suggests you apps that go along with the text you are copying.For example, if you are trying to copy an address, the device will automatically suggest you open up the “Maps” app.
Then there is the smart Wifi feature that connects your device to the nearest wifi in range and hence saves your mobile data. You do not need to turn on your Wi-fi manually.
We must say that Google’s Android Oreo update has seen some major changes in features like the introduction of PIP, Autofill, Notification controls etc. However, we might have to wait a few days more to get our hands on this latest platform.