
  • Twitter increasing character limits to 280 characters
  • Previous character limit was 140
  • Twitter is testing the new feature on some selected users across the globe

Yesterday, the social networking website Twitter announced that it is planning to double the total character limit for the tweets from the current 140 characters to 280, hence doubling the limit.

However, Twitter is still testing this feature on a selected group of users across the globe. Knowing this fact, a lot of hassle has been created among the users who are also willing to try out the new 280 characters feature. You are among those users, we have found out a solution for you to start using this latest feature.


Here is How Increase Limit Of Your Tweet To 280 Characters

  • Javascript from Julliete Pretot

Well-known developer, Julliete Pretot has come up with Javascript bookmark that is compatible with Tweetdeck.The user needs to visit Pretot’s official page, bookmark the highlighted link and login to his twitter account.Once done, the user can tap on the compose tweet tab and see the character limit extended to 280.

Please note that the user needs to tap on the bookmark first before proceeding with the tweet.

  • Char280 extension

Thomas Evans who is the COO@EmailOctopus developed a Google Chrome extension that changes the initial settings of the front end and increases your tweet limit to 280 characters.

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  • Using the TamperMonkey script:

A Twitter user who goes by the name of “@Prof9”, noticed that one can tweet in 280 characters by installing the TamperMonkey extension to the Chrome browser.

Once the testing is done successfully, we can expect Twitter to make this feature available for all its users across the globe in few days.


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