- Remove annoying posts from pages and groups flooding your Facebook News Feed
- Prioritise people whose posts you want to see first
- Unfollow people, pages or groups directly at one place without visiting each profile separately
Is your Facebook flooded with regular posts by all the pages and groups you have liked? You have to scroll down miles to find a post worth giving your time? A status update or a photo uploaded by a friend, for instance?
There are two ways to solve this problem. First, you can open every single one of those pages and unfollow them or second, you can follow these simple steps to customise Facebook News Feed according to your requirements.
Step 1: Click the menu button on the top right corner of your Facebook News Feed
Step 2: Navigate to News Feed Preferences
Step 3: You should now see following options:
Prioritise who to see first
Unfollow people to hide their post
Reconnect with people you unfollowed
Discover Pages that match your interests
See more options
Step 4: Click Prioritize who to see first, the app will show all pages, groups and all your Facebook friends. Simply tapping on the name will prioritize their posts and you will see their posts first in the News Feed. When you tap on the name a blue-coloured star will appear at the top right corner of their profile picture
You can remove people and pages from priority list by simply tapping on their profile picture again from this menu
Step 5: Second on the list is Unfollow people to hide their posts. This will allow you to unfollow people or pages directly to stop their posts from appearing in your News Feed.
Step 6: Next is Reconnect with people you unfollowed. This option will list all the people and pages you have unfollowed in past. By selecting them you will start following them all over again and their posts will appear on your News Feed
Step 7: The Discover Pages that match your interests option will list pages and groups falling under different categories that you may like to follow. It will also show which of your follow it already

Step 8: In the See more option, certain apps can be selected to show or hide from the News Feed.
Facebook app users can also follow the same procedure to customise their news feed. Customise Facebook News Feed to save you time and see updates from your friends and family first.